Listen to the beat of didgeridoo, one of the oldest musical instruments in the world,experience the haunting and powerful voice of Songmen, watch traditional and contemporary dances to express ancient dreamtime stories.
The Nunukul Yuggera Aboriginal Dancers are also known as Yugimbir & Nugi Aboriginal Dancers
The Nunukul Yuggera Aboriginal Dancers have been in existence for over 25 years traveling the world extensively showcasing Traditional Aboriginal culture through song,dance and other various forms of cultural expression.
They have performed along side some of the world's greatest performers and Cultural ambassadors .
Their main focus is to bring awareness to Indigenous Culture and current Indigenous issues, they have taught Aboriginal youth and continue to expose youth to their beautiful Culture which teaches them to be proud and strong.
The directors of the dance troupe are descendents of the
Nunukul, Yuggera/Turbul, Yugimbir and Nugi Tribes.
Nunukul Yuggera offers a number of Cultural experiences
Nunukul Yuggera traditional song and dance Experience the earthy and moving presentation of traditional songs and dances , a haunting and spiritual performance. Decedents of the Nunukul Yuggera Yugimbir and Nugi tribes perform indigenous stories and dance skills passed on for thousands of years Be caught in the ancient dreamtime and see its story's unfold before your eyes, a powerful ceremony which will leave a lasting impression. ARC dreaming involves Aboriginal traditional and conemporary music and dance combined.This theatre stage production has mesmerized audiences around the globe, receiving rave reviews and many standing ovation. Traditional Welcome to Country When people visit Australia and a particular area of the country , it is custom in Aboriginal Culture to welcome people to be part of its tribal land, it is also custom to for this ceremony to be conducted by its elders or decendents off. Didgeridoo and Clap Sticks - Aboriginal musicians demonstrate the use of traditional indigenous instruments and encourage visitors to try . Primitive Fire Starting - Lighting a camp-fire demonstration during the dance presentation. Indiginous Aboriginal Educational Talks - The talks offer an insight into Aboriginal life and history of our ancient land Traditional Aboriginal Art / Artifacts and Displays Aboriginal artist demonstrate modern adaptations of traditional methods and encourage hands on participation by visitors Local Bush Tucker Tasting Selected traditional Aboriginal food from the region Private Functions for Conferences and Special events | |